Join us on another Crisis-inspired jaunt through speedster history when Chris (@AceComics) and Reggie (@reggiereggie) read Flash vol. 2 #0 by Mark Waid and Mike Wieringo! After some biographical details about the creative team, we delve into the issue proper and discover the truth about what inspired Wally West to become the Flash! Then, after some notable quotables from Mr. Waid himself, Chris and Reggie talk about legacy characters in comic books--what they think about them and why publishers never seem to let them stick around! It's a wild romp of an episode that will take you all over the...time!
Issue requested by Bryan Trevitt
TAGS: comics, history, dc comics, the Flash, Mark Waid, Mike Wieringo, Zero Hour, A Crisis in Time, Wally West, Kid Flash, 1990s, comic book event