Welcome to the compilations of perhaps the X-Lapsediest X-Lapsed "Sunday Special Series" yet! When I walked away from the X-Books in 2015-2016, the Time-Displaced Original Five (get used to THAT phrase, by the way) were still looming large in the present day. When I made my return... they were gone - and they seemed to have taken Old Man Cable with them!
What happened? Where did they go? How did they leave? Were they the same O5... or not?! Well, all of those questions were answered in this here event miniseries - eXtermination! Join me for this trip down time-displaced lane, won't you... and let's finally send these kids back where they belong!
For X-Tra fun... maybe also grab a listen to The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 12 in the archives!
(00:00:00) Countdown to eXtermination
(00:30:36) eXtermination #1
(00:54:31) eXtermination #2
(01:10:16) eXtermination #3
(01:28:01) eXtermination #4
(01:49:02) eXtermination #5
(02:13:54) X-Men: The Exterminated #1
(02:46:44) Uncanny X-Men Annual (vol.5) #1
X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)
Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen
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