Continuing on our trek from #EcksofTens to the Hellfire Gala... and, killing an entire trade collection with some B and C tier titles! You want Hickman? Sorry 'bout that. You want the actual X-Men book? Better luck next time...
Here's a collection for the completionists... we'll have fun with it all the same!
(00:00:00) New Mutants (vol.4) #16: "One Step Behind"
(00:25:43) X-Force (vol.6) #18: "Shadows of the Mind"
(00:49:04) Cable (vol.4) #9: "Bargaining"
(01:15:52) Children of the Atom #2: "Prison Break"
(01:46:24) X-Force (vol.6) #19: "Dead of Nightmare"
(02:16:36) New Mutants (vol.4) #17: "Follow the White Rabbit"
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