Saturday Mar 12, 2022
X-Lapsed Triple-Dip, Episode 10 - X-Force by Benjamin Percy, Volume 2
X-Force continues to be the unsung flagship book of the Dawn of X era, with Benjamin Percy's sophomore collection! The stories being told might not be to everybody's liking, however, I don't think anybody can argue that stuff actually HAPPENS in this book... which immediately puts it head and shoulders over most of the X-Offerings in late 2019/early 2020!
This time out, we get into some deep (and potentially problematic) discussion on the topic of suicide in the age of resurrection! Are we more than a collection of our experiences... and, if not -- is it okay to jettison some of those more troublesome experiences to make your next "go round" more productive?
Also - This IS a Ben Percy book, so we've got plenty of Russians and INFO PAGE abuse!
All 'at and all my usual nonsense - I hope you decide to gimme a shot!
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