
Monday Dec 27, 2021
X-Lapsed, Episode 290 - X-Men Unlimited #14
Monday Dec 27, 2021
Monday Dec 27, 2021
X-Lapsed is back after our Holiday (and DCBS-not-shipping-me-the-books) break... and, we're kicking off our #Roadto300 with... X-Men Unlimited! Today's chapter features a heart-to-heart... or, maybe fist-to-head conversation between our two feature characters... and liberal (ab)use of the finger-flickin' gimmick of the Infinity Comics format.
Also: In lieu of a mascot-backup, we're taking a look at the X-Centric Wolverine Holiday Special... which, sadly is a product more interested in making "lol, references" than actually telling a story. Oh well...
X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)
Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen
The All-New, All-Different chrisisoninfiniteearths.com

Sunday Dec 26, 2021
Chris and Reggie’s TOTAL PACKAGE - The Image ”Big Four” Launch Books!
Sunday Dec 26, 2021
Sunday Dec 26, 2021
Compiling four classic episodes of Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, wherein we discussed and gave the full "Treadmill-Treatment" to the first issues from the "Big Four" Image Comics launch titles from 1992 - Rob Liefeld's Youngblood, Jim Lee's WildC.A.T.S: Covert Action Teams, Erik Larsen's Savage Dragon, and Todd McFarlane's Spawn!
As a special "Bonus", I'm also including our "Real Comics History" Episode, during which we talked about the comics fandom (our own as well as widespread) during the year Image Comics started hitting the shelves: 1992!
This was originally intended to be an ongoing Cosmic Treadmill project... with "Wave Two... and beyond" to include titles like Cyberforce, Wetworks, Shadowhawk, Pitt, The Maxx... and more! Whether this is your first time listening to these... or, just a blast-from-the-past - I hope you all enjoy!
(00:00:00) Youngblood #1 - Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 022(01:26:45) WildC.A.T.S: Covert Action Teams #1 - Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 028(02:35:22) Savage Dragon #1 - Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 046(03:43:37) Spawn #1 - Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 068(04:59:54) BONUS - Chris and Reggie's "Real Comics History": 1992
X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)
Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen
The All-New, All-Different chrisisoninfiniteearths.com

Saturday Dec 25, 2021
Merry X-Lapsed - 2020 Compilation
Saturday Dec 25, 2021
Saturday Dec 25, 2021
Inviting you to spend a couple hours of your Christmas with me... and the X-Men!
Closing out our Holiday Week by collecting the five "Merry X-Lapsed" episodes from 2020!
(00:00:00) X-Men #98: "Merry Christmas, X-Men - The Sentinels Have Returned!"(00:28:52) Uncanny X-Men #341: "When Strikes a Gladiator!"(00:57:08) Uncanny X-Men #143: "Demon"(01:25:40) X-Men (vol.2) #109: "Ceremonies"(01:57:41) Generation X #4: "Between the Cracks"
X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)
Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen
The All-New, All-Different chrisisoninfiniteearths.com

Friday Dec 24, 2021
Merry X-Lapsed - Generation X #24
Friday Dec 24, 2021
Friday Dec 24, 2021
Merry X-Lapsed 2021 wraps up the same way 2020 ended... with Generation X!
And, just like 2020, the Generation X Holiday Issue we're discussing... really doesn't have much to do with the holidays themselves! Instead, the ladies of the crew head to Monet's family home in Monaco, to play a game of "Skeletons in the Closet" -- sharing tales of how and when their mutant powers manifested. It's a bunch of largely-retconned... or contradicted stories, that almost make me want to launch a program called "The Unessential X-Lapsed"!
Also - I wax on for quite awhile about what the Holiday Season means to me... well, the "eves" of the holidays anyway. I'd love to hear your stories as well!
I hope everyone has a warm and wonderful Christmas and Holiday Season. Thank you all for being a part of mine!
X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)
Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen
The All-New, All-Different chrisisoninfiniteearths.com

Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Merry X-Lapsed - X-Factor #27
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Let's celebrate Christmas with X-Factor and those *other* New Mutants...
The watchword for today's installment of Merry X-Lapsed is... exposition, so do your humble host a favor and do NOT take a sip of spiked eggnog every time I say it! The Simonsons work their hearts out to keep any X-Factor looky-loos who may've just popped their heads in to keep up with The Fall of the Mutants... and, well... it doesn't make for the easiest read... or, synopsis-writing experience!
X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)
Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen
The All-New, All-Different chrisisoninfiniteearths.com

Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Merry X-Lapsed - Thor #444
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
The Mutant Who Stole Christmas!
Merry X-Lapsed takes a step... err, giant-size leap off the beaten path today, to check in with a one-off Mutant knock-off of The Grinch, who crossed paths with the Eric Masterson Thor this one Christmas Eve!
What will we have to say about one of Thor's Lamest (in Marvel's own words) Enemies of all time? Well, you'll have to tune in to find out... and I don't think you'll be sorry if you do! This is a fun one!
X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)
Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen
The All-New, All-Different chrisisoninfiniteearths.com

Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
Merry X-Lapsed - Uncanny X-Men #365
Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
Tuesday Dec 21, 2021
Welcome back to Merry X-Lapsed, where we're going to pop in on the criminally (?) short Kelly/Seagle era to dig into a Christmas Carol riff with a Russian twist! Colossus is back in the mansion after a time away... and is being haunted by both stilted dialogue, and a Ghost of XMas Past!
Who could it possibly be? Oh, yew know...
We'll talk a little bit about this era of X-Books (without context) and discuss the power of Guilt as story motivation! It's tons of fun for everyone... I hope you'll join me!
X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)
Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen
The All-New, All-Different chrisisoninfiniteearths.com

Monday Dec 20, 2021
Merry X-Lapsed - Uncanny X-Men #230
Monday Dec 20, 2021
Monday Dec 20, 2021
Kicking off Year Two of "Merry X-Lapsed" by checking in with the Outback Era! Longshot is haunted by inanimate objects via his psychometric powers, which force our heroes to play Santa Claus, on... of all nights, Christmas Eve!
Also: Dazzler wishes she was dead, and Havok dresses like a janitor!
It's a fun, heartwarming... if perhaps a little too syrupy sweet, story -- but one that's definitely worth your time!
X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)
Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen
The All-New, All-Different chrisisoninfiniteearths.com

One man's attempt not to drive himself mad while he reinvests in Marvel's Mutants after a few years away!
Hope we survive the x-perience!